Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hello Everyone,
I has been a while since I have posted so though I would get on here and update everyone on what is going on with the Knight's. Jordan is doing awesome, he is still in Chicago and is going to school up there. He is going to come home on March 6th for the weekend. He will ride the train from Chicago to Champaign and Jerry is going to pick him up when he gets there. Jordan is also going to come home for Easter weekend. It is nice that he is close so he can come home for a visit occasionally. Jessica is busy with work (Pizza Hut) and school. She is in Student Council and always busy with that. She is starting softball in a couple weeks. So there goes our evenings. From March until May, she will have played 29 games. She is also going to her first Prom in April. Jami is doing great. If you ever call our house, she is usually the one answering the phone in Spanish. She is so funny. Tomorrow (2/18) is her birthday and she is going to be 15. After school tomorrow I am taking her to the Driver's License place so that she can get her learners permit. Lord help us!!!!!! Jenny is still playing basketball. She is still trying to get her first basket but she is so short that it's hard for her to get the ball up there. So for now she loves to steal the ball and she loves to dribble all over the court. She will be starting soccer in March and softball in May. Jerry and I are the same. Nothing new except for the fact that Jerry is going to be 39 on Thursday (2/19) and is 1 year away from the BIG 40!!!!!!!!! Also we want to give a shout out to Aunt Janet Ruby who will also be celebrating her birthday on 2/19. In other news, Jay and I are helping our mom who is moving back to Illinois. She has been in Minnesota for the last 6 years. She is going to be living in Atwood, IL. Jay is leaving next Thursday by train to Minnesota to move her back here. She will get to see her kids and grand kids more often. Well, that is all for now. Hope everyone is doing well.

The Knight's

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