Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29th

Well, Today is the day!!! Jordan is flying to Italy for a 6 month deployment with the Navy. He said he will have a layover in Ireland while they refuel. He is really excited but also a little nervous so please say a little prayer for him. Italy is 7 hours ahead of us so he is going to have to do some adjusting to the time difference. They gave all the guys Ambien so they will be able to sleep on the plane ride. Jordan said it's a 15 hour flight! Here is Jordans address if you want to write to him while he is gone. I am sure he would appreciate any mail he can get as he will probably really be missing home. Jordan is going to get back in the States in June and will be home for 2 weeks in July!

Jordan we love you and we are so very proud of the path you have taken with your life!

AEAA Knight Jordan
Patron SIG
PSC-812 Box VP-26
FPO AE 09627

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